Serving Beyond
FUMC-Commerce partners and supports what is already at work around the world through the United Methodist Church as well as missions led by church members.
Proyecto Abrigo | Project Shelter
Our December Mission of the Month is Proyecto Abrigo, a nonprofit, ecumenical ministry serving the poorest of the poor who live in Tierra Nueva on the outskirts of Juarez, Mexico. Since 1996, this ministry has built over 7,000 cement block homes, two churches, a medical clinic, and a vocational school. Now the first stage of an educational cooperative is under construction to provide tutoring for children, instruction for younger children with special needs, and ELS for youth and adults!
Over the years, FUMC-C and the Wesleyan Campus Ministry have sent teams to Tierra Nueva to work under the direction of a construction maestro and alongside the family who will be blessed with the new home. We are not sending a mission team this year so our drop-a-dollar giving will be combined with the 2015 Lenten offering and given to Proyecto Abrigo to go to work where funds are needed the most.
Proyecto Abrigo also benefits from the ongoing empty prescription bottle collection. Jan Helton regularly sends these to Proyecto Abrigo and is collecting additional healthcare items to send at the end of the December. She is seeking extra toothbrushes such as those you receive at the dentist’s office, vitamins (particularly pre-natal vitamins), pain relievers (ibuprofen, acetaminophen, children’s Motrin), cold medicines, bar soap, antibiotic ointment, bandages, etc. Please place your donations by December 31 in the bin located across from the community bulletin board between the Gathering Area and the church office. To learn more about Proyecto Abrigo, visit
Here’s how to continue your support of Proyecto Abrigo and its ministries:
• Place your rinsed aluminum cans in the collection bins in the Family Ministry Center. We will continue to collect these cans in the near term and convert them to cash to help support Proyeto Abrigo.
• Make a direct donation by writing a check to FUMC-Commerce designating Proyecto Abrigo in the memo line.
• Pray for Proyecto Abrigo and the people of Juarez.
• Learn about this mission at or like Proyecto Abrigo on Facebook.
Medicine for Mexico
FUMC-Commerce’s Glenn Pabody has responded to the medical and nutritional needs of people in Mexico for several years by personally taking supplies to Juarez or shipping them. Many members have supported this ministry by donating medicine bottles.
New ways to be supportive include donating:
- staples such as beans, rice, flour, and sugar
- band aids and triple antibiotic ointment
- infant acetaminophen and ibuprofen
- children’s acetaminophen and ibuprofen
- anti-inflammatory creams like Cortaid
- anti-fungal creams like Lamisil
Look for a bin in the Gathering Area to place donated items.