Small Groups

Computer generated graphic of man like figures holding hands

The goal of Small Groups is to continue to expand and grow per the interest of the congregation. If you are interested in starting or hosting a small group, please contact Craig Jensen 903-217-4708 or email:



Pastor’s Bible Study:

When: Tuesdays, 1-2:30pm
Where: FUMC-C
Study: The Book of Genesis
Contact: Church Office 903-886-3220


Sisters Too Bible Study:

We’re a small Bible study group of women who gather each week and share our faith journey with God.

Study: The Upper Room



Prayer Shawl MinistryPrayer Shawl

We make prayer shawls and lap robes that are delivered to church and community members.
All levels of skill will be welcome and instruction is available for beginners.

When:2nd Monday of each month (September – May) at 9:30am
Where:Prayer Shawl Room
Contact: Janet Latham at 903.886.7156 or Laura Milligan 972.742.5566

Emergency Pastoral Care


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