Mission / Vision
We believe the church is the physical presence of Christ in the world, or as the apostle Paul says: The Body of Christ. As such, it is our primary task, as a body and as individual members of it, to listen to God and follow where God leads. We believe that God is about the work of bringing about the reign of God on earth, so our question is “how will we participate in what God is doing?”
Christ gave us a mission:
“To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”
At FUMC Commerce, we believe that our path of discipleship involves:
- Connecting to Christ through worship and fellowship
- Growing in our faith through Bible Study, Prayer, & tithing
- Serving God through serving others in hands-on mission and sharing our faith
How do we know what a disciple looks like?
We believe as followers of Jesus that we live our faith every day. The Book of James reminds us that faith without godly works is not really faith at all. So, we believe every disciple exhibits holy habits. We have identified seven holy habits that the scriptures teach us:
- Knowing Jesus – Seeking to know Jesus and be a devoted follower
- Participating in the church – Through weekly worship attendance
- Praying – Without ceasing, as Paul says
- Studying the Bible – Reading scriptures regularly and studying with others in a small group
- Sharing our gifts – 10% tithe is the minimum standard the Bible teaches us
- Serving others – Hands-on mission with others
- Sharing our faith – We have a “show & tell” faith—living it and telling others what a difference God’s love has made in our lives!