
Your joining the Church in as meaningful a way as possible is our goal. We can receive members at any worship opportunity. Simply come forward at the end of the worship service and express your desire to join. There are several ways in which you are considered a member:

Image of the First United Methodist Church logo

A Full Member:

Professes their faith in the trinity (God, the Father Almighty, Jesus, his only son, and the Holy Spirit). Commits his/her prayers, presence, gifts and service to the church. Is officially added to the membership records of First United Methodist Church-Commerce and The United Methodist Church. Has been baptized. Can vote and participate in church business.

An Affiliate/Associate Member:

Maintains membership at two churches (both United Methodist or one of another denomination). Enjoys the same benefits of full membership. Agrees to the same commitments and meets the same requirements of a full member.

A Preparatory Member:

Is preparing for full membership in the church. Has been baptized, but not confirmed. Is under the age of 19.

A Constituent:

Regularly attends and gives support to the church. Has not made the additional commitments of becoming a full member.

For additional information, please speak with one of our Pastors or contact our church office at (903) 886-3220.

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